Here at I Don't Fear Nothing But God And Weddings (IDFNBGAW hereafter) part of what we're all about hype, swagger, what your grandparents would call "moxy," and what Rick Lazio would call "chutzpah:" the Fresh, the New, and the True. So here we go with the young turks who are tearing it up and crocheting it back together into some sort of art-fag, avant-garde, postmodern triumphalist trompe l'oeil shit. We're handing out our annual Rookie of the Year awards in IDFNBGAW land.
Rookie of the Year, Best New Dog

Our ROY, Best New Dog is Thurston, our new house dog/alarm clock/personal trainer/really intricate toy.
Thurston is what we like to call a Santa Fe Heeler. He features distinctly washedout burnt sienna coloring;
large multi-plane independent pivot ears; and an eye patch.
Thurston is what we like to call a Santa Fe Heeler. He features distinctly washedout burnt sienna coloring;
large multi-plane independent pivot ears; and an eye patch.

When he was a puppy, Thurston
shanked a man in prison.
shanked a man in prison.

He enjoys listening to Brian Eno's ambient music.

He plays dead; don't hate the player hate the game!

He loves to loaf, but he can hang a triple double, 60
fantasy point week on you at any moment.

More ROY awards coming throughout the week.