24 November 2007

Should We punch people on the Nose?

("Typical example of the eruption column demonstration, taken from the 4th floor of Lathrop Hall, on the Colgate University campus.")

You know how you sometimes tell someone to go to hell and fuck you I hope you die get away from me and you barely have the restraint, or maybe you're just too tired from yelling, restraint to quit your fist from hitting him on the nose? I thought that's how I felt about Colgate. The place was a rotting, minatory corpse of a place. It bled Nantucket red and smelled like Keystone Light. The faculty were recidivist masturbators: too old not to spit ashes in your face, or too young to listen. But then... ?

Well you move on and all those feelings stay where they were. They were the product of your particular age-location feeling-matrix. They aren't you now; they were you then. And maybe you're a pussy, but you think maybe you were wrong. And you can't just go punching people on the nose all the time because they'll throw you in jail with all the pederasts and gruel cadgers. And anyway, everything was pretty good then. You still loved bands, and books were nice and smelled like novelty. And people never asked you about New Age topics; and metaphysics was something Aristotle wrote about. But when you did read Aristotle, you were lectured by professors; tutors didn't moderate a bullshit discussion. Because that shit is some brokedown, poor excuse for an education. And fuck that. They're all great books, so you can go to hell, too.

In concussion: we here at IDFNBGAW think you should go punching people on the nose. And Santa Fe, you're next.