21 November 2007

Facebook = Real Fucker, Funny as Well

Facebook can be a real fucker sometimes. We used to know him back when he had a definite article, like, back when he wasn't as cool and shit. Now he's all stuck up. There won't be an official IDFNBGAW facebook page (but you loyal fans can make tribute pages, if you feel that way and, you know, live in your parent's basement coming up for air only so long as it takes to grab another bag of Dorito Cooler Ranch; quickly descend; and log back into World of Warcraft or read blogs or write blogs or whatever.)

However, and this is a big "however," facebook can be pretty funny, too. While we tried (kind of unsuccessfully) to create an official IDFNBGAW profile, we had to fill in one of those "I'm not a spambot" word verification boxes.

As you can see to the left, facebook asked us to type in "booby country" in order to prove we're not some sort of spambot.  In all fairness to spambots, though, they are also pretty good at creating phrases like "booby country."