Best New Blog = IDFNBGAW!
We couldn't resist, so we took this "screen grab" with our camera phone.
A quick explanatory note. All images on IDFNBGAW (except where noted, i.e., the header picture) are taken by us--c'est nous--on our camera phone. These beauties are property of us here at IDFNBGAW.
So here's a song from Ween's latest album, The Cockroach. We find it reminiscent of that fine tune "You Fucked Up," with a dash of "It's Gonna Be a Long Night." And speaking of "dashes," how much is a dash? We've been getting into Manhattans around here, which call for a dash of bitters. (It's not a Manhattan if you don't dash in the bitters, obvs.) So sometimes we put in, like, three or four shakes; and other times we put in just, like, one or two. It all tastes basically the same because we use that $8 rye that you pick up at the gas station. But for sake of argument, how much is a dash? Or a jigger? What the fuck. Are bartenders like 15c. sovereigns who got to make up units of measurement by means of whim and fancy? "Oh, an Earl will be the length of my big toe. And 3 Lancastshires shall be the amount of time it takes my dogs to run down a fox." Is that how the bartenders came up with their ridiculous measures? "Dude, I bet you won't drink a jigger of my piss!" "How did you come up with Jigger?" "Well, after I took a leak, I jiggered my dick off into this little cup, and that's how much a jigger is!" I bet that's how the jigger was invented. Anyway, yeah.